Douglas Machines Corp. is a global company that has a standard to meet and a 40-year old reputation to uphold. That’s why DougMac engineers developed the tenets of 5e to use while designing and manufacturing an industrial washing and sanitizing system.

5e represents Efficient, Effective, Easy-to-use, Eco-friendly, and Economical. Everyone involved in the production process follows these five tenets so that they manifest in a perfect final product.



Douglas Machines Corp. engineers design industrial washing and sanitizing systems to service many different industries and needs, but they all have one consistency: no matter what they clean, they do it efficiently. They clean wares and processing containers  quickly and completely in one wash cycle with no damage.

Douglas washers clean at a consistent, rapid pace at least six times faster than handwashing. Each has high-velocity jets and powerful wash pumps to speed up the cleaning process and ensure containers are spotless after one wash cycle. For example, at peak efficiency, the SD-20 can save a facility 6.7 hours of labor every day. This is because engineers design the machines to be compact with maximum output, meaning a facility makes massive production gains from one vigorous industrial washer.

The true engineering challenge is balance. Washers must be quick without sacrificing the quality of the clean; swift but not slapdash. The second tenet of 5e is that all Douglas sanitizing systems must be effective.


Effectiveness means that any machine purchased by a customer will clean their wares to a spotless finish and sanitize them to governing food manufacturing standards outlined in the FSMA. Every machine must meet the Douglas Clean standard and perform at peak wash performance before it ships to the site. As DougMac services a diverse array of clients, this sometimes means modifying a standard model to fit a customer’s needs or even designing something novel.

The Douglas Machines wash test lab is a state-of-the-art facility designed to test the effectiveness of Douglas industrial washers on the specific wares of clients. Potential customers mail in dirty and used containers which lab technicians then process in glass-doored models of Douglas standard industrial washers. Technicians film the cleaning process through the glass and then sent to the client along with their freshly washed wares, so they can see firsthand the force of a Douglas Machines sanitizing system.

As experts in washing and sanitizing, Douglas Machines Corp. gets specific. Douglas engineers don’t settle for less than a perfect clean, so neither do customers. If their wares are not cleaned to the Douglas degree, clients work one-on-one with an engineer to design an industrial washing and sanitizing system tailored to their needs.

The cleanliness of the wares comes first in Douglas machine design, but the machine can only function as well as its operators. As such, ease of use is critical to the industrial washer’s capabilities.

Easy to Use

User error is a major cause for concern with industrial equipment. It could result in damaged equipment, wasted product, or worse. Plus, training new staff to use complex machinery, especially in today’s high-turnover environment, is expensive and time-consuming. That’s why, while intricate in their construction, all Douglas machines industrial washers run simply. Each has a streamlined interface to prevent user error and improve the ease of use.

Each machine has a digital display with three preprogrammed wash settings based on soil conditions. These displays also directly alert the operator of errors or issues that need repair.


Resource efficiency is crucial for both your bottom line and the earth, with the price of utilities rising in many places across the world. That’s why Douglas industrial washing and sanitizing systems are engineered to conserve water and energy during the wash process.

Our machines are made with energy-efficient engines and pumps that minimize consumption while maximizing output. So, wash system designs include two wash tanks; one whose sole purpose is to refresh the wash water before recirculating it. This tank reuses water to its full ability, minimizing water consumption and preserving wash standards. For example, Douglas Machines utensil washers use 79% less water per pan than handwashing, thanks to a water-saving recirculating wash tank.


Being Eco-friendly often also means saving money, as fewer resources used mean less money spent replenishing them. The manufacturing team builds machines to last for years, which means replacement and repair costs are a very distant worry. All our machines have a yearlong warranty and spare parts are available and can be shipped out the same say to ensure machine downtime is minimal. The SD-20 can save you $25,000 a year in labor costs alone.

5e is a standard of quality Douglas Machines industrial washers are held to before shipment. Douglas Machines also has customs in place for company culture and functions, because fulfilled employees and shareholders create high-quality products.

Learn more about Douglas Machines’ mission, vision, and values here.